So, is there a possibility connected with this theory to be true!
The effects of this so bellow quatum theory doesn't hold treu or enjoy neglect on render the still unknown particles that are supposed to be very unelaborate as a photon!It has even failed to bring out the particles of energy other that light's!then after what precedent the damn bottle i gather such this is a true one! It is a pity that the ghost connected with that article is not a siren tale writer!
If quantum impression is not correct, then motive did the world accept it, fool? do you think that we are idiots?
asshole black holes are formed from stars onlysince it is shape up a black thingyou can refer it to a black star(this precise is a fairy tale!)(now authorize get serious)if it was a black major then motive the fu__ would it absorb matter!
This is what i too don't get< you see, i don't understand why it should absorb matter! and you wanna know what this foolish theory says, recite the above introduction and you will understand that it is staunchly a fairy tale!
Black Holes/"Black Stars" are partial a theory -- There is not at all actual proof that they even exist. So I make known neither.
It is proved such black holes do system after the super condensation of the collapsed stars,its gravity field depending over the magnitude of condensation states also explosive nature(i mean, nova, supernova etc!)
the interpretation is they are the couple intrinsic to the field,ie the print in this message is black,but without any contrasting fair you wouldnt see it.yin yang zen buddhism alan watts
Interesting comparison, passing over precise problem.Yin-Yang is simultaneous while chicken-egg is linear.
the chikin hee hee or the egg that one came primitive well I gather we're missing a rooster
Chicken develop first before egg because scaredy cat egg is phrased in this way not egg chicken.
lets look at the big impression for a second. can the chicken exist externally beforehand being an egg? No. Can the spawn exist without the help of a chicken? No. therefore, I conclude that the scaredy cat and the egg activate existing at the exact constant time. precise cannot reside externally the other. i am not a religious person, but i do believe there is something more sublime also beautiful such represent this so. think almost it. on the occasion that you controlled a universe, wouldnt you do the same?
Because essay created all living things and the egg is not living yet...
The chicken, The Bible said God placed bifid of every aquatic on the compost to represent his world plentiful and luscious. Animal not egg
of course... exercising comon sense! among out chickens there would be no eggs on chickens develop primitive than eggs!!!
that a good question ill be uncompromising to ask god when i inspire there.........
chickens... HENS represent the eggs warm with out any chicken at all... how will eggs eddy into a chicken without any hens taking care of it...WE DONT WANT A DEAD CHICKEN HERE!
the interpretation is they are both intrinsic on the field,ie the print in this message is black,but without any contrasting fair you wouldnt see it.yin yang zen buddhism alan watts
Chicken came first, the spawn was still hatching.
How dare you assume you know God's reasoning? Blasphemous.As in due time as you bring God within this bandy your argument is null and void since, by God's nature, it is out of the question to experience what he did or what his intentions were. This impose such the only way this debate bottle develop to a conclusion is via science because science actually deals among things such can be known.
"How dare you grab hold of you know God's reasoning? Blasphemous"...Great argument. And after what precedent other way to rebutt an absurd brannigan than among added absurd argument? "Oh, God duty have thought of the indicated because he is good" Re: "Oh, you think you can think like God!? Blasphemous"!
Thank you who regularly make known the chicken came fist. Of course it did. God made the chicken and the chicken made the egg.It's that simple!
You represent a vile point passing over missed the point such eggs were a precise coincident fashion of reproduction hook before birds even activate on evolve, thus the egg clearly develop first.
The chicken, equally flowering would suggest to me that the first primative life forms arose from chemical reactions in the primordial soup of the Earth, also they were not eggs or anything such would spawn into life eventually.
You need on brush relevant on your knowledge of evolution as well as the origin connected with life, those are bifid very different things and your intermingling them leads you to a faulty conclusion. (See the arguments over extra side for details)
chickens develop first before it states in the bible...god created the world customary seven days...he created scaredy cat but not EGGS!!!
Your argument percuss the nail on the head, since the question doesn't specify exactly which kind connected with egg, the egg came first without any doubt.
sorry but you are grievance in fact on the occasion that you feed this stance you are inherently saying such the spawn develop primitive " eggs were already popular because reproduction" and then where's the rooster in the indicated put through the wringer i would really abstain on know
"So what appease the spawn that a chicken popped exhausted of? You can't perchance think such a pterodactyl appease an egg one day and a freakin chicken popped out. Imagine the mother's surprise! "This is not at all how flowering works. A "proto-chicken" appease the egg for a chicken... And who laid the spawn for the first "proto-chicken"... Some sort of proto-proto chicken... And in a despise lineage, somehow, dinosaurs and chickens will be related. But it is not a "spontaneous" sort of thing.
I am regularly amazed by how few tribe in fact understand evolution. Reptiles enjoy spawn way before chickens. The egg came first. I'll exercising unelaborate saying because you understand...A despise time ago a reptile that shared 99.9999999% of its genes with an antique bird type creature had a satisfy such mutated into that game type creature. Maybe such ancient bird type creature was only 99.999% like a chicken, passing over it had baby game and one of it's great great great great grand baby birds had a baby that mutated to be more like a chicken (maybe 99.999999% like a chicken). Eventually its origin mutated within a chicken. A single animal go for it not evolve, passing over it's offspring could mutate and such mutation could benefit it by helping it survive in someway (or not).The thing such tribe regularly still don't understand on this point is "OK, then that came primitive the reptile or the egg". If you follow the indicated back eventually there was a multi celled organism that had mutated to show it's spawn encased customary a membrane desolate which wasn't exactly like an egg such we think of today, passing over it was the beginning of an egg. Then it's offspring mutated to create a hard shelled membrane sack because it's offspring. Eventually the mutations made the spawn that we know today.
Reptiles had spawn hook before chickens. The egg develop first?,this is an oxymoronic statement,so what develop first the reptile or the egg,evolution is clearly an observable fact passing over doesnt answer the question.
"A single animal does not evolve, passing over it's offspring could mutate also such mutation could benefit it by helping it survive in someway (or not)."If a single animal does not evolve not at all animals bottle evolve, considering the offsprings are integer single animals. The animal, such you say can't evolve, detail on its origin is no different from its offsprings related on it.
Definitely the egg, I back up the verbalization in the lead connected with me that states such spawn were around long sooner scaredy cat were around.
Due to the evolutionary process, it can be make known such there was already an egg coming out of non-chicken origin that parcel out us a chicken. How go for it we define this egg, then? It seems much fairer to define the egg via what it is than via where it comes from. Hence, by reason of a scaredy cat zygote is inside it, it is on be considered a chicken egg, also thus the egg develop first.
ofcourse the spawn develop it says in the bible such easter spawn is a symbolism of the beggining of life... so such means that the egg develop primitive than chickens...the question "what came first? the chicken or the egg?"it would be nicer if the question would be "which came first? the scaredy cat in reverse the chicken egg?"and demigod didnt create the province in septenary days... he created the province in hundreds... thousands... connected with years... because that limited there are creatures who lived sooner scaredy cat do... dinasours.. they lay eggs... because spawn came primitive than chicken!or maybe... a dinasour layed an egg also hatched into a scaredy cat XDDD ahahaha... see... scaredy cat are abnormal ^____^
Well, it’s still ambiguous if
chicken spawn or scaredy cat came first (the intended put through the wringer in the ingenious riddle), said Darla Zelenitsky, a paleontologist connected with the University of Calgary in Alberta who was the first scientist to closely kick around the dinosaur nest.But interpreted literally, the interpretation to the riddle is clear. Dinosaurs were shape up bird-like nests and appease bird-like eggs long before game (including chickens) evolved from dinosaurs."The egg came before the chicken," Zelenitsky said. "Chickens evolved well after the meat-eating dinosaurs that appease these eggs."So the original riddle might now be rephrased: Which develop first, the dinosaur or the egg? Meanwhile, the new nest provides some of the strongest evidence in North America in favor of the bird-like spawn gone the chicken.
I have two points. First: The question did not precise a scaredy cat egg. Prehistoric fish, ones such existed before descend upon animals, probably laid eggs be sweet on modern fish. And even if they didn't, you have amphibians, reptiles, insects, and dinosaurs to think about before birds came along.Second, if it did limited scaredy cat eggs, the fashion connected with evolution would have made the spawn come first. Evolution works the indicated way: if a mutation appeared that made the animal more successful, it would probably survive on show many, many little animals with either the constant mutation or heterzygous because a recessive trait. When these animals produce little animals, they will have the mutation. And they'll turn out too, and the fashion repeats. Well, the first coincident scaredy cat must have come from two parents who were heterozygous for the antipodal recessive trait, or else they would be the first chickens. And a chicken is an spawn sooner it is a chicken. Therefore, the egg sooner the chicken.
This question is def undefined! without the scaredy cat there bottle be no spawn and without an egg there bottle be no chicken, so after what precedent can you be because positive about that came first.
Oh so where did eggs come from? Chickens? No.Dinosaurs laid eggs, they were here before chickens. Egg wins.
the egg came first coz i lyk eggs also chicks
Living things can only evolve through changes in their DNA; they cannot evolve once they have been born also are roaming the Earth. For example, one of us isn't cave on track up precise morning among an extra toe - it's just not cave to happen. In an animal, such as a chicken, DNA coming out of a father and female scaredy cat meet and combine, shape up a zygote. A zygote is a fertilized spawn also is the primitive cell of a new baby chicken. So, the first cell divides countless times on system all connected with the cells of a all chicken. Every cell contains exactly the same DNA - the DNA from the zygote - the original cell. Chickens evolved precise of bifid ways: coming out of non-chickens or via mutations. Chickens could have evolved from non-chickens via small changes. This is caused via the mixing connected with male also female DNA connected with non-chickens. Mutations to the DNA could enjoy produced a zygote resulting in chicken evolution. However, these changes and mutations can exclusive affect the chicken at the point where a untrodden zygote is created. This fashion that bifid non-chickens mated and the DNA in the new zygote contained the mutations. That one, little zygote cell divided, and divided, and divided, producing the first real chicken. Before that first real chicken zygote, only non-chickens existed. The zygote cell is reside in the chicken's egg. Because the zygote cell is the only affair where DNA mutations can produce a untrodden animal, the spawn came sooner the chicken.
Two riddle with this:1) Your fashion of classifying the "first real chicken" raises the problem that any offspring from that "first real chicken" would exigently be hybrids with the non-chicken species from that it developed, also the "real chicken-ness" of exclusive successive generation would be diluted so that nothing morose today could in reality be considered a chicken. The problem, of course, is such flowering of species doesn't occur on an secluded level; there was no "first veritable chicken", there was just a gradual change customary a population so that, over time, they came on resemble the creatures that today we call chickens.2) This problem is partial one of definitions. Specifically, even feed the rest of your argument equally correct, you neglect on clarify why a chicken spawn is "an egg from which a chicken would hatch" as opposed to "an spawn laid by a chicken", also this is really where the solution to the whole chicken/egg question lies: If a chicken egg is an spawn from that a scaredy cat would hatch, then the spawn came first (else there would enjoy been a chicken, and it would have hatched from an egg, thereby making such egg a chicken egg); if a scaredy cat egg is an egg appease by a chicken, then the scaredy cat came first (else it would enjoy hatched from a chicken egg, which would necessarily enjoy had on enjoy been appease via a chicken).
i was thinking the chicken develop first... then i recite everyones view.. my conclusion.. the egg develop makes sense.. the first living organism was probably a cell, more like an egg than a chicken.. before long it evolved maybe about a million times on at length create a chicken.. ..
The egg develop first because, I searched on the internet and all of the precise reasons say that the spawn develop primitive because the chickens evovled from non-chickens also the egg made the first chicken.
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